
Casting titanium alloy in other industries

Compared with the application of cast titanium alloy in the valve industry, other applications of cast titanium alloy are more extensive. Titanium and titanium alloys have good corrosion resistance, so it is of great significance for industries with corrosive requirements such as petrochemical industry, in these industries, positive displacement pumps, heat exchangers, compressors and reactors need to carry out industrial production of large equipment many will use corrosion resistant titanium castings, there is the largest market demand. In the medical field, since titanium is a safe metal recognized by the world as safe, non-toxic and non-heavy metal precipitation, many medical auxiliary devices, human prosthetics, etc., are made of cast titanium alloy, especially in dental care, almost all tried dental castings are made of industrial pure titanium and Ti-6Al-4V alloy. It has good biocompatibility, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. On the other hand, due to the advantages of titanium and titanium alloy low density and good performance, they are widely used in many sports equipment such as golf clubs, ball heads, tennis rackets, badminton rackets and fishing tackle, and the products made of them are light in weight and have quality assurance, and are very popular with the public. For example, SP-700 new titanium alloy products developed by Japan Steel Pipe Company (N104) are used as Taylor 300 series golf ball head surface materials, which sell well in the global golf market.

Since the end of the 20th century, casting titanium alloys in the fields of petrochemical, aerospace, biomedicine, automotive industry and sports and leisure have been promoted from the initial initial test to the current development, and gradually formed industrialization and scale.