
Applications in aviation

According to the data, titanium alloy fasteners are widely used in aircraft. China's domestic C919 aircraft each need about 200,000 titanium alloy fasteners, to complete the first 100 orders need 20 million titanium alloy fasteners.

If the annual output of 150 large aircraft is calculated according to the plan in 2018, 30 million titanium alloy fasteners are needed every year. The development potential of titanium alloy fasteners is huge, and the market development prospects are very promising.

In recent years, with the rapid development of China's aerospace industry, the demand for aviation fasteners has increased sharply.

In addition, the manufacturing of large aircraft in China has made great progress, although there is still some time to go before the first flight in 2014, the air show at the end of 2010 has obtained 100 start-up orders, to complete these orders for titanium alloy fasteners huge demand, titanium alloy fasteners market prospects are very promising.

In order to ensure the continuous safe flight of aerospace equipment, titanium fasteners are very high requirements. In particular, after the commercial aircraft is put into operation, it will run for twenty or thirty years, and the continuous non-stop flight of more than ten hours a day, the requirements for fasteners are even higher than the aerospace standards, and titanium alloy fasteners can meet the above needs.

In addition, titanium alloy fasteners can greatly reduce the weight of the aircraft, not only can improve the performance of the aircraft, but also reduce the cost of use, and the main thing is to reduce fuel consumption.

Such excellent performance is bound to be widely used in aircraft manufacturing, and the main problem plaguing its development is titanium alloy material.

Mechanical industry analysis pointed out that China is a fastener production country, the output ranks first in the world for many years, but China is not a fastener production power.

My domestic fasteners are mostly low-end, low value-added products, aviation fasteners and other high-end firmware market share is low, product types, specifications are very limited, the relevant technology and production needs to be improved.

The wide use of titanium alloy materials in recent years cannot be separated from innovation and the grand planning of the country.

With the continuous decline of titanium alloy processing costs, its application in aircraft structures will be more and more extensive in the future.

With the rapid development of China's aviation industry and the continuous improvement of aircraft performance requirements, the future high-performance aviation fasteners put forward higher strength, higher fracture toughness and higher fatigue performance requirements for their titanium alloy materials.
