
What are the hazards of carbon monoxide in titanium wire production?

The furnace gas for making titanium wire TiCl4 often contains more CO gas. This is a common asphyxiating gas, but also a flammable and explosive gas, engaged in chlorination furnace gas aftertreatment and tail gas treatment workers should be careful.

CO is a colorless and odorless gas, slightly lighter than air, easy to disperse in the air. CO is inhaled by the human respiratory tract, combined with hemoglobin in the blood through the lung, and its affinity is 2l0 times larger than oxygen, and carbon-oxy-hemoglobin is quickly formed. Makes the blood lose the ability to carry oxygen, causing hypoxia asphyxia. Because the central nervous system is sensitive to hypoxia, it suffers first. The symptoms caused by CO poisoning are headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, general weakness, and syncope, coma and even death.

When the CO in the air is less than l× 10-2%, it is not harmful to the human body. When the CO content is greater than l× 10-2%, it can cause human poisoning symptoms; When the amount of CO reaches 0.1%, it can cause the human body to be confused, faint, and spasm. In order to avoid the occurrence of CO poisoning accidents, the chlorination workshop should be kept ventilated.

In case of CO poisoning, immediately pick up the patient to fresh air and keep warm. Comatose patients are best treated with hyperbaric oxygen chamber; Respiratory failure should be immediately artificial respiration, inhalation of oxygen containing CO25% is better; Then follow the doctor's advice.

The air containing CO(volume fraction) 12.5% ~ 74.2% is an explosive gas, which can cause an explosion after ignition. CO is also a gas fuel, in order to prevent fire and explosion, after the purification of the tail gas of the chlorinator, it is best to carry out secondary combustion of the tail gas containing CO, and then empty. Otherwise, the exhaust gas must be emptied by a higher chimney.
